F10® SC Veterinary Disinfectant


F10SC VETERINARY DISINFECTANT is a high performance surface acting biocidal compound with inherently low toxicity and low irritation characteristics is widely used within the veterinary profession.  It is a broad spectrum biocide effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses and bacterial and fungal spores.


(liquid, dilute as directed, in 25L, 5L, 1L, 200ml)
The core product F10SC VETERINARY DISINFECTANT is a high performance surface acting biocidal compound and due to its inherently low toxicity and low irritation characteristics is widely used within the veterinary profession in companion and large animal practices, referral hospitals, zoo’s, laboratories, and various other institutions. It is used in numerous applications, i.e. cold sterilisation of instruments and equipment including endoscopes, intravenous catheters, and endotracheal tubes; high level disinfection of hard surfaces and air spaces, water treatment, and as a sanitising rinse for solid food and fruit. Fogging with F10SC VETERINARY DISINFECTANT, (a spray of fine mist-like droplets) has been shown to be 100% effective in eliminating airborne micro-organisms.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Bottle size

1LT, 200ml, 5LT

Directions for use

For F10SC VETERINARY DISINFECTANTS clear away debris and rinse surfaces, then apply as below :

–  Environmental general disinfection dilute 1:500 (2 ml / l water)
– High level disinfection (including fungal spores) dilute 1:250 (4 ml / l water)
– Resistant viruses and bacterial spores dilute 1:100 (10 ml / l water)
– Sterilisation of instruments/equipment dilute 1:100 (10 ml / l water)

Additional information is available in application user guidelines. For other products refer to each specific product label.


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